Firefox Add-On: Close Repeated Tabs

Are you the kind of user that opens more and more and more tabs each time you hit a page?

Have you ever been looking for some kind of product on eBay and opening each offer you find in a new tab?

Then this add-on is for you…

Close Repeated Tabs some tabs closed

It simply adds an options to the Firefox’s Tools Menu called “Close Repeated Tabs” which just does that: close the repeated tabs…

Close Repeated Tabs Menu

You won’t ever have to check that page twice again…

Close Repeated Tabs no repetitions

Also, it adds a keyboard shortcut for quicker access: Ctrl+Alt+W (in resemblance to Firefox’s Ctrl+W shortcut used to close a tab).

You’ll also have the option to choose whether you want to treat different anchors as the same page or not. Anchors are different “jumps” within the same page, for example: and

GNU GPL v3 Close Repeated Tabs is licensed under the GNU GPL v3

Just click here to download:

Update: the add-on has just been declared public by the Mozilla reviewers so it got out of the experimental state.
Update 2: version 1.0 has been released with Firefox 3.6 and 3.7 support and the option to choose whether to treat different anchors as the same page or not.

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