Generating Paranoia – Wash Well Your Hands With Protex (Advertising Spot)

The objective of an advertisement is always trying to generate a need in the people. Commonly, a confort or additional pleasure need. But there’s a limit… You shouldn’t try to instill people an unsafety feeling which leads to paranoia, just to raise your product’s sales. However, lots of companies do it, because they think, like Maquiavelo, that “the end justifies the means“…

Here we have a sample of that… The lyrics of the jingle are below… Both in the advertisement’s original language (spanish) and in english…

Lyrics (Spanish)

No te lavaste las manos
Hay bacterias en todo lo que tocamos
Te puedes enfermar
Varias veces te las tienes que lavar

Después de ir al baño
Después de jugar un rato
Después de toser o estornudar
O si a tu mascota acabas de tocar

Lava con Protex bien tus manos

Dale una mano a tu salud
Protex, para la buena salud de la piel

Lyrics (English)

You haven’t cleaned up your hands
There are baterias in everything we touch
You can get sick
Lots of times you have to clean them up

After going to the toilette
After playing for a while
After coughing or sneezing
Or if you have just touched your pet

Wash well your hands with Protex

Give a hand to your health
Protex, for a good skin’s health

Goof: note how, in the time 0:22, after “disinfecting the hands”, there are still some “bacterias” moving around!

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