Mamá Luchetti (Spot Videos)

Edit (2010-07-07): added the video “REINO” and the advertisement “Diana Arroz“.
Edit (2009-10-30): added the video “Licuadora (Stickers)“. Thanks Jesi and Melu for the link!
Edit: new advertisement “Caldo Bajo en Grasas” added.

These are the advertisement spots made by the argentinean company “Luchetti” for its soups. They’re really very good!

The first one is some sort of jingle presentation, but the other ones are very short and funny stories… The best one, for me, is the last one “The Master of the Sopas”…

O each video, while it’s already playing, you can click the HQ button to watch them in high quality…

Mamá Luchetti – Coro

Mamá Luchetti – Licuadora

Mamá Luchetti – Mamá de la propaganda

Mamá Luchetti – Luz cocina

Mamá Luchetti – Caldo desgranado

Mamá Luchetti – Master of the Sopas

Mamá Luchetti – Caldo Bajo en Grasas

Mamá Luchetti – Licuadora (Stickers)

Mamá Luchetti – REINO

Mamá Luchetti – Diana Arroz

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