How to fix the “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page” message in WordPress

I’ll tell you my story, but you may be in the same situation having done something completely different, so keep reading…

One day, some time ago, I was very happily installing the WP-Security-Scan WordPress plugin, and I got an analysis result saying that I should change the default WordPress database table prefix in order to make harder the potential SQL Injection attacks…


So I went to the link and filled the new prefix in the screen that appeared…


After pressing the “Start Renaming” button, I got the following page:


Everything seemed to have been done perfectly…

But…… This is what I got after trying to go somewhere else in the administration panel:


The infamous “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page” message…

From this point on, I could not access the administration panel anymore… So what could I do?

The problem seemed to be generated by the modification of the WordPress table prefix, so I went to phpMyAdmin to check the database… Everething seemed OK.. I checked the wp-config,php… The prefix had been updated… The site seemed to work flawlessly for normal visitors…

So I started searching… And finally found a site whose solution I’ll leave you below in a easier to use way…


If this problem was generated by a change to the WordPress database table prefix (done by the buggy WP-Security-Scan plugin, by a migration or by other means), you should fill the following two fields and press the “Generate” button to generate a SQL Query which you should execute in your database (using phpMyAdmin or other options)…

Old Prefix
New Prefix


That’s all… If this didn’t work for you, it may be other kind of problem… In that case, take a look at the comments section of this post, since there are some people which found other solutions.

Hope it helps :)

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