Tag Archive for 'C'

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UpTime (How much time has the computer been powered on)

With this tiny tool, you can know how much time has the computer been powered on…


GNU GPL v3 UpTime is licensed under the GNU GPL v3 (attached)…

As usual, here are the links…

For the ones who want to easily read the relevant code:

DWORD dwMilliseconds = GetTickCount();

int nSeconds = (dwMilliseconds/1000)%60;
int nMinutes = (dwMilliseconds/1000/60)%60;
int nHours = (dwMilliseconds/1000/60/60)%24;
int nDays = dwMilliseconds/1000/60/60/24;

char pszStr[256];
sprintf_s(pszStr, 256, "%d days, %d hours, %d minutes and %d seconds", nDays, nHours, nMinutes, nSeconds);

MessageBox(NULL, pszStr, "UpTime 1.0 by NeoEGM <http://www.neoegm.com/software/uptime/>", MB_ICONINFORMATION);

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Guitar Trainer

Guitar Trainer is a program I’ve written to make easier the learning of the position of the different notes in the guitar fretboard. There are lots of features pending to be implemented (including sound, different scales, guessing game by position and by sound, etc.), but it’s quite useful with its current functionality.


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cMemDbg – Easy to use C memory leak detection library

After some time working with C, I decided to develop a very easy to use library which can help you to detect and track memory leaks.

There are lots of solutions for this on the net, but this one has the particularity of being really simple to implement.

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