Tag Archive for 'Client-side'

Hide WordPress Visual Editor Tab 1.01

Hide WordPress Visual Editor Tab has been updated to the 1.01 version to make it also work when creating new posts and pages. In the previous (1.0) version, it just worked while editing already created posts and pages.


To download the latest version, please visit the original Hide WordPress Visual Editor Tab post.

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How to remove the “Visual” tab from the WordPress post/page editor

There are lots of people (like me) who just use the HTML mode of the WordPress Editor… Sometimes, you cannot just disable the WYSIWYG editor (in my case, I cannot do it because I use the qTranslate plugin to enable the creation of posts in different languages)… For this people, having the Visual editor tab, might be a very big problem…

Lets say you’re writing a post in the HTML tab…


And you click by mistake the Visual tab…

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