Excel random password generator

Sometimes you may have to generate automatically different random passwords. This could be a very easy task if you just had an Excel function like “RandomPassword”, so you could write:


And get something like:


Well, this is exactly the idea of the Add-In I’ve made…

Random Password

If this isn’t what you’re looking for, as an alternative, you can visit the online random password generator.

The function syntax is as follows:

=RandomPassword(length, [uppercase = TRUE], [numbers = TRUE],
[lowercase = TRUE])

Just as simple as that… Here are the download links:

If you don’t know how you should install an Excel Add-in, keep looking into the site since I’ll write a post about that soon… By now, I can give you this guidelines:

1- Copy the corresponding version of the add-in (XLA or XLAM) to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OfficeXX\Library (where XX is the Office version, being 12 for Office 2007)
2- Follow the instructions given here for Office 2003 or below, or take a look at the first part of this steps for Office 2007.

GNU GPL v3The code is licensed under the GNU GPL v3

Just in case you want to see the function code without looking into the add-in:

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